Working together to enhance and protect our natural Honeymoon Valley and Peria ecosystems,
for the enjoyment and benefit of present and future generations

- More Kiwi, other native birds and fauna. We want to make a difference and restore flocks of kūkupa amongst flourishing pūriri
- Kaitiakitanga in action to protect and enhance our ngahere/ forest taonga
- Healthier native forest ecosystems and flora
- Pests and weeds reduced
- Water quality improved year round in our catchment with the many contributing streams and rivers that flow out to Doubtless Bay
- Land with high biodiversity values protected and enhanced
- Wild kiwi habitat awareness and responsibilities for living in a Kiwi Care Zone
- Liaising and working in partnership with Hapu and Iwi and local groups
- Encouraging community experience, Landcare work and outdoor education in our local environment
Toitu te whenua, whatungarongaro he tangata / The land remains when the people have disappeared